
Firebase Web Hosting

Spencer Easton shows how resources like images and stylesheets can be put on Firebase Hosting and used in Apps Script projects. In this example Spence uses the command line interface (CLI) in his operating system but if you are developing on Chromebooks you can use a cloud service such as Cloud9 (


Introduction to Firebase Databases in Google Apps Script

In this clip from Totally Unscripted Episode 8 Martin Hawksey provides a introduction to using Firebase Databases in Google Apps Script projects which includes basic setup and the process for writing/reading data. This tutorial is based on this Quickstart: Read and write data in Firebase from Apps Script


Real-time reporting from Firebase with Google Apps Script

Romain Vialard demonstrates how Firebase Databases are used in the Yet Another Mail Merge (YAMM) add-on for real-time reporting of email opens and other interactions by using the Apps Script HTMLService and the Firebase JavaScript SDK.


Firebase Authentication Opportunities

Bruce Mcpherson demonstrates how the Firebase JavaScript SDK is also used with Firebase Authentication in Ephemeral Exchange (EffEx). Firebase Authentication is used to administer access and generate a universally unique identifier (UUID) to store user properties.


Cloud Functions for Firebase in Google Apps Script

In this clip Riël Notermans introduces Cloud Functions for Firebase as a way to get around Google Apps Script quota limits. As part of this Riël shows all the steps needed to setup and deploy a cloud function from Firebase, demonstrating how they can be used to overcome the Apps Script 10MB UrlFetchApp payload limit.
